The Ontario Outdoor Recreational Association (OntORA) is pleased to let anglers know the proposed FMZ (Fisheries Management Zone) plan will not take effect until January 1, 2024.
OntORA put forth a proposal to the FMZ council which was based on signed petitions and discussion with anglers. We also sent a letter to the MNR Minister at the end of December with our concerns over transparency on important changes facing anglers. We received a reply on February 15th and the minister assured us that his staff would review all feedback. We also sent a reply back to the Minister with some additional concerns. The Minister stated his staff would be pleased to meet with us. Myself and Joe Schmidt’ met with MNR staff on March 1 to express our concerns and what anglers want to see changed.
We also met with our Local MPP Ross Romano who said he understood our concerns over the lack of transparency and the use of scientific data versus actual data from the field.
MPP Romano stated he would relay our concerns to Minister Smith.
He understood the importance of the issue being that fishing is a popular sport in Sault Ste Marie. Again, OntORA’ s position is that there should be no slot size for Lake Trout with a maximum of two fish. For Pickerel (Walleye) no changes proposed. Leave it at 4 fish, only 1 over 46 cm. For Brook Trout, OntORA disagrees with the “no live bait/dead bait or leeches” provision. The MNRF suggests that the illegal use of baitfish and the illegal dumping of unused bait is their reason for this proposal. OntORA does not believe that this is occurring with most anglers. OntORA is also concerned about the lack of angler representation on the FMZ council. We are also asking for a complete review of the 2020 Bait Management Strategy. Interested anglers who did not get a chance to voice their concerns can do so by emailing ( 705-465-6259) or: or contact their MPP with their comments and concerns.
John Kallio, President, OntORA: